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Build, run and grow: Rework


The book club at our online printing company recentlyRework completed our latest book, Rework by Jason Fried and David Heinenmeier Hansson. This book is based on the authors’ personal experiences with building, running and growing their business.

Fried and Hansson are the founders of 37Signals, a company which creates online applications to simplify everyday processes. Here at Prisma, we use one of their products known as Basecamp, which is an application that enables a team to effectively
communicate and collaborate on projects.

From Rework, our team gathered the following insightful tips to optimize efficiency:

  1. Meetings are toxic. Meetings tend to focus on concepts with somewhat vague agendas. One meeting usually leads to another. Instead of meeting, work independently to solve problems and then collaborate on solutions.
  2. “Good enough” is fine. Do the most with the least; perfecting a deliverable wastes your time. Work effectively, not obsessively. The longer something takes, the less likely it’s going to get finished.
  3. We are all bad at estimating. Break things down into small chunks. Always prepare for interruptions and the unknown when trying to create an estimate.
  4. Try prioritizing visuallyMake a to-do list, and put the most important things at the top. Try not to use a numbering system.
  5. Don’t get caught up in trying to one-up your competitors. Solve the simple problems in your business. Do your job well and be the best at it without worrying about competition from coworkers.
  6. Don’t be reactionary, be visionary. Trying to always stay up with your competition detracts you from your vision. Stay focused and think ahead.
  7. Sharing information builds an audience. Blog, share, network, etc. to promote your credibility as a source for helpful information. Don’t just try to convert them; educate them. You will have more loyalty and trust if you walk your clients through this process.
  8. Hiring You might want to try and hire someone for a trial period of 40 hours. This might be a better idea rather than relying on a pumped-up resume and a polished interview. The cover letter says a lot. You can tell whether someone has put in the effort to learn about your company and how he or she can be of benefit.
  9. Culture: It’s a byproduct of behavior; it’s action- it needs to start from the top. You can’t demand employees to follow a company culture; it needs to start from the top.
  10. Leadership: don’t be afraid to be you. Avoid jargon and corporate speak, talk like yourself.
  11. Inspiration is like fresh milk, it has an expiration date. When you’re high on inspiration it’s a magical thing and it won’t wait for you. Put it to work right away. You’ll be surprised at how much can be accomplished.

We encourage you to check out this book and learn more on how to build, run and grow a successful business. Our next book selection will be announced soon.

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BY PRISMAMarch 20, 2013

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