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Direct marketing resources

Over the last year, Prisma has developed a collection of articles on direct marketing and direct mail best practices.

We thought it would be helpful to compile a summary of these articles and share a library of links. Please feel free to bookmark this page and reference it whenever you are looking for ways to increase your direct marketing results.


• No Data is Better Than Bad Data: Don’t shy away from a direct marketing campaign because you have no data. No data is better than bad data means that starting from baseline zero can be very effective. (read more…)

• Direct Marketing 101: What is Direct Marketing and what is key to make my direct marketing yield a greater response. (read more…)

• Crafting Your Direct Mail Offers: Successful direct mail offers increase the chances of your direct marketing campaign yielding a higher response rate and return on investment (ROI.) Learn the attributes of a great direct marketing offer. (read more…)

• Intelligent Mail Bar Codes: The Intelligent Mail Barcode (IBM) is the future of direct mail intelligence. The IBM provides visibility by notifying marketers at all points in the mailstream. Learn how to put this technology to work for your marketing campaigns. (read more…)

• Seven Rules to Direct Mail Success: Direct mailers that yield the highest ROI for our clients typically have seven common traits. See what they are and how they’ll help you increase your marketing response. (read more…)

• Get Personal With Segmented and Variable Data Marketing: Modern technology allows you to speak directly to your clients on a personal basis with segmented data lists and variable data printing. See how these practices can get you the response rates and new business leads your company desires. (read more…)

• Tips For Effective Direct Mail Marketing: Direct Mail is one of the most effective marketing channels but no longer can you stick a stamp on a post card and expect your audience to respond. (read more…)

• QR Codes & Marketing Today: Quantifying results is one of the biggest area of interest to direct marketers. When QR Codes are used effectively conversion rates can soar and results can be measured. (read more…)

Let us know if you have any questions about any of these topics. Our direct marketing experts are available at 602 243-5777 or via email they will be happy to help you.

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[About us: Prisma Graphic is a full-service, marketing solutions provider with an emphasis in commercial printing that specializes in online marketing supply chain management. Utilizing cutting-edge technology and a commitment to customer service, we partner with clients to develop cost-effective programs that execute integrated brand campaigns and highly-targeted business communications. Our ongoing evolution is to deliver sales opportunities at the lowest possible cost.]

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BY PRISMAJanuary 7, 2011

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