Prisma is happy to announce that as of today Josh Bryzelak is embracing the role of President at Sir Speedy Scottsdale, a Prisma company. We are excited to see Josh grow and strengthen Sir Speedy Scottsdale through business growth and development.
Over the last 12 years, he’s held several leadership positions within First Edge Solutions, including Director of Client Services, Director of Operations and Director of Sales.
During his time with First Edge, Josh implemented several significant changes, including a new sales & customer service model, quality control procedures, a client-centered company culture and an employee training program.
Most recently, as VP of Sales, Josh grew company sales by 13-22% annually, and expanded the sales force from two markets, Phoenix and Milwaukee, to four additional markets including Chicago, Atlanta, St. Louis and San Diego. Josh’s role at Sir Speedy will be to develop new business and provide sales leadership.